it's today (part1)

OMG! After 7 years here in Chicago…I’ve finally gotten cast in my first show! Ok sure, I’m very busy doing the cabaret/concert thing...and I love it! But, this is the first time I’m putting my Equity card to use since I arrived in 2003, not counting the mock trial thingy. And what better show to be cast in than the ensemble of Annie Get Your Gun, staring Patti Lupone, George Hearn and Patrick Cassidy. 


Could you just? Plus, Paul Gemignani and Lonnie Price?!? Have I died and gone to theatre heaven?


Now, the show might as well be Camelot, as little as we are on stage, but I’m having a blast getting to know some of the other actors in town and watching them work. I had forgotten how wonderful watching someone else’s process is for me. I love seeing people try new things and suddenly a character develops in front of my eyes. I mean, I love doing that kind of work too! But, this time it’s observing others ply their craft and I am loving it. I could sit and soak up rehearsals all day. So much fun. 

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