how to pick an opening song

How To Pick An Opening Song

·       Well, when I'm thinking about an Opener, I try to remember what an opening song is trying to accomplish or what it shouldn't be to help me get my juices flowing.
An opening song, like the opening song in a musical, shouldn't be:
the best song in the show
one with a lot of patter or words the audience is required to "listen" to
a ballad
a comedy song
an acting song
a song I struggle with the lyrics on ( this is the most nervous I'm going to be all night)

·       Because the audience is:
Checking out what I'm wearing, my hair, the set, the lights, their drink, if they are comfortable, what the person next to them is having, the band, their seats

·       And I'm thinking about:
Why did I wear these shoes, the audience, the band, the lights, the sound check that didn't seem to happen, and getting my nerves in check


With all that in mind:

What would your opening song be if you were doing a show about




Andrew Lloyd Webber?

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