blogging on blogging

I’ve never been one to give myself a deadline for writing a blog. Usually, I just write something when the spirit moves me. Lately, I have been reading some great blogs. The writers update them either every day or once a week. I feel a little overwhelmed trying to come up with something fascinating to say every day. Even once a week…and I do a lot of stuff during the week! I am sure I could come up with something, but I am lazy. That’s not true, I am actually quite the go-getter…but, I’m not a very motivated writer. But, oh I love getting up in the morning and looking through my feeds! I pull up a chair and grab a cup of coffee and settle in… for my “friends” to tell me their stories.

Here are a few of the blogs I read:


Phyllis Newman, the wife of the late Adolph Green (of Comden and Green fame) writes a lovely, funny, poignant blog. I love that she writes about old Broadway: opening nights, parties. She also has an interesting perspective on life, one that only a widow of a LONG marriage can have.


Alexandra Billings, is a powerhouse performer. She has been in movies, TV, stage. A transplant from Chicago to LA, she has a Midwest sensibility that butts heads with her urban setting. I was lucky enough to see her when she lived here. Her performances were always bright balls of energy, she was sexy and huge and yet so intimate and simple.  Her humor on the page is just as honest, heartfelt and contagious. I laugh out loud every time I read an entry. Sometimes she writes about an audition, or an actor she admires, sometimes it’s a paragraph about something that has happened to her recently. Her point of view is all her own, check her out if you don’t believe me!


If you aren’t reading that one…shame on you and you are on the wrong blog. is the website to use to find out everything theatre related. Their blog…gives it to you first! And who doesn’t like to be first?

I don’t know this guy. I don’t know how I started reading him, but he is one of those everyday updaters. He has a voice that I find right on topic. We have a very similar way of writing and he has a point of view that I dig. He writes about the theatre scene in Chicago.

Above are two that don’t get updated as often, but when they do…I love to sit down and read away. The first is the crazy talk/musings of my fella, Eric. The second is a good friend, Heather Moran, who writes about what life is like with a sulfite allergy.

I have ones I read that are very specific to Chicago, to Chicago theatre, to Chicago events, to the gay community, to the cabaret community around the country. It is time consuming. Thank god most of them aren’t updated every day, I would be reading all morning. Maybe, like me you are glad I don’t update too often. Hmmm, I like that. It’s like my sloth is giving us both a break. 

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